Thursday 22 March 2012


In this exercise we were to collect and comment on different examples of photography.

Fashion photography
It is a genre of photography that displays clothing and other fashion items and are most often used in advertisements and fashion magazines as well in exhibitions. Unlike commercial photography, which focuses more on clothes and accessories, fashion photography is actually all about the mood and the style of the image. The clothes are just used to convey a certain life style within the image, as shown in the examples the models are shown with thick eyeliners, dramatic eye shadows, interesting hairstyles etc. Lighting plays a very important role in these photographs and it’s a complex process to give that dramatic feel to the image. These images are mostly found in Vogue, Elle and Vanity Fair magazines.

Art photography
These photographers are taken in a more creative vision of the photographer as an artist. It stands into contrast with photo journalism. it is quite difficult to define because beauty is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to the artistic value.
Art photography tends to have a subject matter that focuses on natural elements, human forms, landscape and architecture. For many years finding images was the norm nowadays photographs have been staged and because of digital cameras the artists now have the unlimited ability to manipulate images in whichever way they wish as seen in examples.

Documentary photography
It is a genre of photography that consists of visual documentation of significant and historical past events. It is mostly covered in professional photojournalism, but it can also be used for academic, artistic and even mature purposes. The photographer's goal is to present the factual events of people, places or events in a truthful and objective manner.

Scientific photography
Scientific photographers usually have background knowledge in biology, chemistry, engineering or medicine; these people are known to have Bachelor of Arts in scientific photography. They work in scientific teams and are employed by universities and research facilities or for artistic purposes. The photos taken in this area of photography are mostly those that cannot be seen with the naked eye or images of hidden aspects of the world around us.  They use aerial, close up, high- speed photographs.

Pictures are worth thousand words and that is true because they can show things that people haven't seen, couldn't comprehend, evidence and moments in time captured forever in a single moment. Photography has various effects on people because it invokes feelings whether it's a child soldier holding an AK-47, a war zone, sports or whatever the purpose of the photo is. Photos also sell products , encourage people, instill fear or bring joy.  We cannot stop time but photography helps us remember, to ensure we never forget, not just for nostalgia but for learning.

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